On Sunday July 3rd at 21:00 at the garden of Banca Generali there will be a concert of chamber music for wind instruments by the Quintetto di fiati Spirabilia, for the review LakeComo International Music Festival 2019, organized by Associazione Amadeus Arte.
Have you ever wondered what a film without a soundtrack would be like?
Obviously not because the so-called “background music” present in a film is now, automatically and often unconsciously, an integral part of the work itself. Music, acting and action become one … But has it always been like that? Obviously not! In the early 1900s the films were silent and the music played live. From the 1930s onwards, film music obtains its own identity, developing in parallel with film production, succeeding in obtaining its own “vital” space. The cinema develops quickly and in the same way the compositions connected to it. Nowadays the so-called soundtracks are among the most listened to and sought after music as they often identify themselves in a recently seen film and consequently try to reproduce the atmospheres and colors present in the film even in real life, but how? Simple: providing everyday life with your own soundtrack. Each of us has in our heart the harmonies of a certain cinematographic composer and often happens to forget that they were written for a film; an example of all is represented by the famous theme of “Gabriel’s Oboe” of the film “The Mission” composed by E. Morricone. In this production Spirabilia wants to retrace the history of cinema with the same informative intent that accompanied his performances in these 10 years of activity. The program includes the performance of some of the most famous soundtracks in the history of cinema that will be introduced and contextualised in the cultural historical fabric in which they were written.
The event is organised in collaboration with LarioIn and with the support of Banca Generali.
The concert is free of charge in Banca Generali's garden or, in the event of bad weather, on the second floor of the building, subject to availability.
For reservations and information:
Manuela Bracantisano - LarioIn: ufficiostampa@larioin.it
Site: lakecomofestival.com
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