On Friday 25 January 2019, from 18:00 at Palazzo Terragni, in Piazza del Popolo - Como, architect Attilio Terragni and art critic and historian Gregorio Rossi will be presenting the exhibition Ragione e Sentimento (Sense and Sensibility), dedicated to Abstractism and Rationalism in Lake Como area.
In the heart of the Palazzo dell'ex Casa del Fascio, a masterpiece by the architect Giuseppe Terragni created in the 1930s in Como, (one of the most significant jewels of Rationalist architecture) more than thirty Lombard artists will be exhibiting their works. Among these are some works by artists of the recent past such as Alvaro Molteni and Giorgio Bellandi, belonging to the Larianist abstract current, and other valuable works by contemporary artists.
The presentation will be attended by authorities and representatives of the city of Como.
The . At the end of the afternoon, after a toast, will also be screened the docufilm made by the director Simone Vailati entitled Segreta Isola, dedicated to the Comacina Island and its mysteries.
At the end of the event it will be possible to view and buy the catalogue of the two exhibitions presented last September at Villa Mainona and Villa Leoni.
To enter the exhibition, open to the public and free of charge, you must register on eventbrite.