Sunday 7 July 2019 at 19:00 inside the LacMus Festival 2019 will be held the concert Great Piano Concertos at the Grand Hotel Tremezzo.
The protagonists will be the maestro Louis Lortie and his students of the Musical Chapel Queen Elizabeth of Belgium, the two young Italians Lorenzo Bovitutti and Luigi Carroccia.
As in the initial recital proposed by Lortie, the festival closes with a Bach masterpiece, the Concerto n. 5 BWV 1056, a Mozart, the Concerto n. 14 KV 449, and a large romantic page, the Concerto n. 2 in F minor op. 21 by Chopin.
The first two concerts will be performed by Bovitutti and Carroccia, and then leave the last notes of the Festival to the fingers of Louis Lortie, almost to put a final signature on the 2019 edition.
€ 40,00 full price
€ 25,00 reduced (residents and students up to 26 years)