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Appuntamento in Giardino 2022

APGI-Associazione Parchi e Giardini d’Italia proposes that all Italian gardens join the Appuntamento in Giardino initiative scheduled for Saturday, June 4 and Sunday, June 5, 2022, under the patronage of the Ministry of Culture. The event, conceived as an authentic ‘garden festival,’ was created in accordance with the Rendez-vous aux jardins initiative, which will take place simultaneously in more than 20 European countries.

The Spirit of the initiative

The event, which aims to invite the general public to discover the astonishing historical, artistic, botanical and landscape wealth of Italian gardens, will be an opportunity to acquaint the public with gardens that are normally closed and to enrich the possibilities of enjoyment of regularly open gardens.

As in previous editions, many actors will be involved: gardeners, botanists, landscape architects, private owners and public managers, important foundations and associative realities with the aim of telling the universe of the garden, its fragility, its cultural and environmental relevance, and its importance for the well-being of individuals and the community. For this reason, the event will also provide an opportunity to inform the general public about the activities necessary to care for, restore and protect gardens.

Theme of the 2022 Edition: “Gardens in the Face of Climate Change.”

In addition to being places of poetry and beauty, gardens are extraordinary ‘sensors’ that, in reconnecting us with Nature, tell us what is happening to our Environment: modification of the plant palette, mutation of the rhythm of the seasons, early blooms, emergence of new pests… The increasingly evident effects of climate change force us to rethink the maintenance and conservation of gardens from a perspective of sustainability and resilience, to ensure the transmission of such a fragile cultural heritage to future generations. Appointment in the Garden can also be a valuable opportunity to raise awareness of these issues through the telling and sharing of experiences, solutions, and new perspectives.

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