Usual appointment in Menaggio with the Second-hand book market for 1 Euro organized by the Association "In Viaggio" and the Coordinamento Comasco per la Pace.
All proceeds will be donated to a specific solidarity project.
Some of the projects supported over the years:
Associazione Per Far Sorridere il Cielo by Marco Rodari, aka "Claun Il Pimpa."
Operazione Colomba, Corpo Nonviolento di Pace dell'Associazione Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII;
Integration and hospitality projects by Don Giusto Della Valle (pastor of Rebbio);
Nawal Soufi, italian journalist and activist who has always been involved in humanitarian actions;
Dino and Gloria, volunteers in Nicaragua with Associazione La Comune Luigi Bottasini;
Educational projects in the Zapatista Indigenous Communities of Chiapas, Mexico;
Associazione La Centralina by Don Diego Fognini, Pedagogical Rehabilitation Community of Morbegno;
Comunità di base delle Piagge di Firenze managed by Don Alessandro Santoro;
Solidarity projects of the Associazione Hospital Mama Ashu and hospital of the same name in Chacas, Peru.