From 25 January to 25 February 2019 at the University of Insubria in Como, the hyperrealist artist Silvio Curti exhibits a collection of his Poptrait, portraits in a pop key of Italian and international scientists who have contributed to the technological and social progress of humanity.
The exhibition will open on Friday 25 January at 19:30.
Out of the Blue
In a flash, a lightning bolt in the clear sky, a flash of genius. Something unexpected breaks the state of things. A scientist caught by sudden inspiration while performing a daily, banal activity. After ten, twenty, thirty years spent analyzing a phenomenon, building a theory, repeating experiments that do not bring the expected results, the dazzling idea.
With the same intensity that causes the juxtaposition of two complementary colours, the solution is revealed in front of the eyes.
Albert Einstein, Enrico Fermi, Carlo Rubbia, Alessandro Volta, Fabiola Gianotti are some of the scientists portrayed by Silvio Curti in the series Out of the blue to pay homage to their contribution to the many branches of natural, applied and social sciences.
Silvio Curti
Silvio Curti was first trained at the Setificio di Como in textile design and then at Brera in the Restoration of Contemporary Art. From 2010 to 2018 he worked at the Academy of Fine Arts Aldo Galli - IED Como carrying on in parallel his artistic career. In 2016 he inaugurated his first solo exhibition in Como, entitled Bipolarity followed by other collective and personal exhibitions. From 2017 he became a graphics teacher at the Setificio. Over the years he has refined his hyper-realist style, trying to overcome the details of photography through drawing. Today his artistic research has shifted to the colors of pop-art, without neglecting the attention to detail.