Sunday, October 27, 2019 at Villa del Grumello takes place the event Inauguration of the Garden of Plinio, Natura hoc est vita, a project of Accademia Pliniana and Association Villa Del Grumello.
The Garden of Pliny was born as an initiative of participation and knowledge, rooted in the territory and at the same time linked to ancient and modern botanical knowledge. Inspired by the Naturalis Historia of Pliny the Elder, a monumental compendium of knowledge in the classical era, the garden aims to be a tool capable of stimulating environmental awareness and respect for nature. It is precisely to Nature, secretly industrious and source of infinite wonders, that Pliny dedicates countless pages of interest and inexhaustible suggestions.
The combination of spontaneity, design and experimentation, the soul of this installation, creates a recognizable place of meeting, study, work and play, which everyone can take care of, a container of ideas and stimuli that feed each other.
hour 14:30 - 15:00 | Grumello Greenhouse The fairy tales of the little Pliny
Romolo and Remo: two explosive children
Stage reading with live music by Chiara Bazzoli
for children from 5 years
hours 15:00 - 16:00 | Grumello Garden Garden lab for children
"Sowing: rituals, signs and wonders in the days of Pliny the Lesser"
by the botanist and naturalist Anna Bocchietti
and the Saint Vincent Agri-environmental School
time 16:00 - 16:30 | Grumello Greenhouse The fairy tales of the little Pliny
Plants and animals: what a myth!
Scenic reading with live music by Chiara Bazzoli
for children from 5 years
hour 17:30 - 19:00 | Villa del Grumello Conference "the two stories of Pliny: history of nature, history of art"
by Prof. Maurizio Harari, Professor of Etruscology and Italic Archaeology at the University of Pavia.